Friday, June 15, 2018

Checking in!

Hey guys! How's everyone been? It's been a while since I've written something other than a DVD review and I wanted to check in. I think my last check in was more of a whining post about how I had been busting my butt with workouts and with my diet, but the scale was going up. Unfortunately, I think that's still the case, but I'm not sure. To be honest, I avoid the scale these days and try not to identify myself with a number. My pants size is still the same, so I'm guessing my measurements are staying the same also. If they have, it's only been a slight difference and I'm okay with that. I can't say that I'm not curious, but I'm also not interested in having my day ruined by a number because that's how I am. I'm still working on trying to find that balance of eating healthy but living a little, workout and rest, and everything in between. It's a work in progress! I never thought it'd be this tough. I did take a lovely rest week. I made sure to get all my Fitbit steps in, but I took a week off of all my two a day, intense workouts for more fun ones. It was so nice. I took several baths, I tackled my Amazon watch list and got to watch several movies I've been wanting to see, and truly enjoyed my week. Getting back on the wagon wasn't difficult at all and I was glad to be back. I was really burned out there, and that was definitely what I needed. :)

In other news, I've upgraded my Fitbit. I went from the Charge HR, which I had a lot of problems with, and went with the Versa. I was a little nervous sticking with the Fitbit brand after all the issues I've had it he past, but I ultimately decided to stay because the Versa is water resistant up to 50 meters and you can swim with it. (Or more accurately wear it while you're paddleboarding, or going up five stories to go down your favorite waterslide!) So far, I'm really happy with it. I've had it for a little over a month and I can't think of any major issues yet.

Did anyone capitalize on all the Jillian Michaels' DVD's at the Dollar Tree? I sure did! Right after Christmas, someone posted on Facebook that there were a ton of Jillian DVD's being sold at Dollar Tree. I went and lo and behold, there were an absolute ton of them, each for $1. I was so excited! I got Hard Body, Extreme Shed and Shred, Killer Cardio, Killer Arms and Back, 10 Minute Workout 1st Edition and 2nd edition, Beginner Shred, and Hot Body Healthy Mommy. I think that's all. I got the Beginner Shred and Hot Body Healthy Mommy simply because I didn't have them. I know Beginner Shred is awesome for beginners, and I am hoping I can get my dad or my brother to workout with me with the BegShred. I thought that the pregnancy one might be good for when you're coming back from an injury, but it's nice to have around just in case. ;).

I turned 30 in February! That is kind of weird to say. Turning 30 bothered me a lot, and still bothers me, to be honest. But I can say that at 30, I am the healthiest that I've ever been physically! :) (Well, physically if we ignore my hips and joints, haha.) And that's a wonderful feeling! August makes it six years that I've been on my health journey. I saw an old picture of myself from 2010, while on vacation in Washington DC. After maintaining this weight loss for over four years now, I don't always realize the changes, because I've gotten used to my face. I sometimes get discouraged now that I don't see major changes as often, but when I saw that picture, I thought: WOW! That my face. And my face is significantly thinner now. I see all the changes. I see it from point A to point... J (because at the end of the alphabet is the end of my life. I'm hoping I'm only 1/3rd of the way through!) I shared the post on Facebook after hemming and hawing for a couple of days. I really don't like old fat pictures, but I remembered again that the Julie from years ago deserves the ultimate celebration and the utmost respect. SHE is the one who got off the couch, started to play DDR, and then changed her life and grew into me. :)

Current workout is Killer Body. It's one of my favorites and I went back to it back in March, I believe. I have a confession. I didn't completely complete Body Revolution. I had four days left! FOUR DAYS! And then I caught the awful flu that went around. It knocked me out for three weeks in January. By the time I finally got my strength back, I felt like I couldn't do Week 11 and 12, and definitely not Cardio 3 with all I had lost while sick. I started back into fitness with some Youtube workouts. I found a lady named Pahla Bowers, and I really like her running in place workouts. I started 10 Minute Workouts, both editions and really enjoyed them, and then I started back up with Killer Body. So while I'm a bit bummed that I didn't quite finish Body Rev, I did do every single workout. It's not a huge deal, but 86/90 days. Booo. It'll happen though. :)

I'm going to start winding down now. Thank you so much for reading! Coming up. I'm hoping to have more reviews on some new DVD's I've tried recently, such as both 10 Minute DVD's, and Killer Cardio. I'm seriously considering trying 80 Day Obsession by Autumn from Beach Body. I love Country Heat, and if I do, I will talk about it as I go. Thanks again for reading!