Sunday, August 25, 2019

I'm home!

I'm finally home! But there still are a lot of things needing finished up at my house, so we're living in it while there are still finishing touches. It's stressful. I live with three other people and two are major TV hogs...It never fails. The only two rooms that I can comfortably do a workout in are the two rooms the TV hogs stay in. I get my run done (if running on the treadmill) before everyone gets home, and my second workout once one of the two go to bed. When something is going on though (say, like a contractor coming), my workout gets pushed off so I can deal with random people making repairs in the house. It's SO FRUSTRATING. And no one quite gets the frustration of getting in a good groove only to have one day get screwed up because the contractor is coming. I miss feeling like my home is my home, and that I can do what I want in it without having some random person barge in. It reminds me of being at the hotel and never knowing when housekeeping would come!

Despite that, I am starting to get in a good groove. I've gained 1/3 of my weight back, which, well, I'll spare you the details of how I feel about myself. It's not good. I'm back doing Jillian workouts, and I've bought two new DVD's. I feel like my running is getting stronger again. I was running 4-6 miles a day at an easy pace before I fell off the fitness bus. My first day back, I ran a 5k in an hour and was so dead afterwards. I've lost 5lbs from my heaviest coming home weight. I'm working hard to try and keep my diet on point (so hard when you're the only person eating healthy). I am feeling stronger again and starting to feel like I'm finding myself again. But generally I'm just overall unhappy with the way things are right now. I just want things to be back to normal...

I hope to update soon and talk about recent workouts, review some of the new DVD's I bought. I also have a smart TV now, which means that I can get things like Beach Body On Demand, Fitfusion, and all those cool apps. Anyone read this? Got a favorite fitness app?