Friday, August 28, 2015

Yoga Inferno (workout one) by Jillian Michaels

Hey guys! For the last two weeks I've been doing Jillian Michaels' Yoga Inferno, workout one. I thought that I would take a few minutes to talk about it.

I'm a total beginner when it comes to yoga and for a long time, I didn't feel like it was an efficient workout. That's one reason why I've never actively looked into yoga. I've also done Level 1 of Yoga Meltdown and didn't feel overly challenged. I think that I mentioned in my last update though that I've been having a lot of issues with my feet hurting. It was so bad that putting on my shoes to work out was extremely painful. Plus, I was getting a bit bored with Killer Body and I had been doing that for three months, so I knew it was time to move on.

From what I understand (again, I'm a yoga n00b!) by reading other reviews, Yoga Inferno is more Yoga inspired rather than just "yoga" in general. I've only done workout one, but man, do I ever work up a sweat! Workout 1 of Yoga Inferno is all body weight mixed with cardio intervals to get your heart rate up. You start up with a warm up like always, and then you get to work. There are three sequences/circuits and you go through each exercise twice; one for each side. I can't remember all the exercised, but I'll list what I can remember. In the first sequence, she has you sink down into a chair squat on your toes, lunges with arm swings, jumping jacks in chair post (like Ripped in 30!), leg raises with your hands on the floor (or with a yoga block if you need one/have one), deep monkey squats. I think it also has squat jacks, but I can't remember exactly.

Sequence two has you go into Warrior 2 and going down to touch the floor and then back up to stretch it out. You go into a twisting crescent pose, and then doing jumping lunges or a running man if jumping lunges are too much. After jumping lunges, she has you get into plank and do plank skaters.

Sequence three, you're in a side plank, and bringing your knee to your elbow to crunch your obliques. Next is standing splits into pigeon pose. Next is mountain climbers for a cardio interval and then after that she has you jump into a sitting position, where you do tricep dips with a leg extension. Then you hold in reverse plank. My poor shoulders. And that's not all! Afterwards, she has you lay on the mat and you do sprawls. After sprawls, she has you crunch up and scissor your legs up and down while holding that crunch. My abs were really feeling that, and at the end of the workout, I'm usually soaked with sweat.

Phew! It's not my absolute favorite just because I still feel like a yoga n00b, but this particular workout totally changed my mind on yoga not being an efficient workout and for that I'll always be happy! :)

So far I really like this one and recommend it. Tomorrow I'm going to do the second workout, which incorporates weights. Jillian recommends 3lb weights and says that the advanced person and herself are using three pounders, but I think I'm going to use my fives. I've watched the DVD so I know what to expect and after doing it a couple times I'll share my thoughts!

Thank you guys for reading! Click here to look at the DVD on Amazon!

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