Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Week 7 of LIIFT 4


Welcome to Week 7, which is your first shred week. We're changing things up this week. These next two weeks are to really meant to give you that final push and sculpt what you've been building the last six weeks! 

Day 1 - Chest and Back circuit

Block one is a quad set. You start with ten reps of chest presses. You stand up for 10 reps of flies. Then you're dong ten reps of dumbbell rows. And then you do ten reps of reverse flys. You repeat those four moves for a total of three times. 

Block two you start on the floor with rotating chest press, decline press, and then dumbbell pullover. You finish your last move standing with wide row. You do ten reps of each of those four moves, and you repeat it for a total of three times. 

Block three is your burnout, and you're adding an extra move in there, so instead of two burnout moves there are three. That's shred week for you! You're doing regular pushups for 30 seconds, back extensions for 30 seconds, and then wide pushups for 30 seconds, repeating all for a total of three times. 

Your core component is dumbbell toe teachers, and then straight leg windshield wipers. Each 30 seconds, three times total. 

Don't be confused by Legs 50/50 coming up tomorrow for day 2! :) 

Week 7, Day 2 - Legs 50/50

What?! This seems like a bad joke. My legs are still sore from my last leg day, which was super close!!! Get your warmup going and jump right into 10 reps of front loaded squats, into 10 reps of deadlifts, into 10 reps of calf raises. Repeat each of these moves for three times total. On the calf raises, the first go around do regular, the second time do duck calf raises, and the third time do pigeon (wide) calf raises, that way you hit all parts of your calves!

Block two has you doing alternating side lunges, pulsing squats, and then bridge raises. Each move you do a total of ten reps and you do each one three times total. 

Block three has you doing goblet sumo squats, and then single leg reverse lunges; ten on each leg. You repeat all those for a total of three times. (Each leg you're doing three times total, too). 

Onto the HIIT portion! This has changed up a bit, too. Instead of 60/45/30, you do each move for 30 seconds, and you repeat three times total. Your cardio moves are twisted mountain climbers, soccer sprint, and squat jumps. 

Your core component consists of prayer crunches, and bicycle twists. Each one three times total! 

Week 7, Day 3 - Shoulder/Arms circuit

Goodbye to my favorite day, shoulder intervals, and hello to shoulder and arms circuit. After a brief warmup, you start a quad set consisting of front raises, wide curls, later raise, and tricep kickbacks. You do each move for a total of ten reps, three times in total.

Block two has you doing ten reps of shoulder presses, ten reps of hammer curls, ten reps of upright rows, and then on the floor for 10 reps of skull crushers. You do ten reps of each each for a total of three times. 

Your burnout once again consists of three moves instead of two, and you do them for 30 seconds. You start with swimmers for 30 seconds, so you may be able to go a little heavier than you would other times where you were doing ten reps, into 30 seconds of full bicep curls, and then 30 seconds of tricep pushups. You do each for three times total. 

Your core component consists of dumbbell drivers for 30 seconds, and dumbbell flutter kicks for 30 seconds. You do each one three times. You earned your cooldown, enjoy it! 

Week 7, Day 4 - Full Body HIIT 

After a quick warmup, you start your full body HIIT. This is a bit different. Each block has two cardio moves that you repeat three time each, but with each new block, the cardio intervals are shorter. Block one has you doing 60 seconds of single leg plyo jumps, and 45 seconds of pushup knee tucks. You do each of those for a total of three times.

Block two has you doing 45 seconds of squat jacks, and then 30 second of triple bear. You repeat those for a total of three times. 

Block three has you doing double plyo pushups for 30 seconds and then squared squat jump for 15 seconds, repeated for a total of three times. 

Your burnout has you doing all six cardio moves you've done in the three blocks, but you do each one for 30 seconds without breaks, for a total of three full minutes of cardio with no breaks. So you're doing 30 seconds of single leg plyo jumps, pushup knee tucks, squat jacks, triple bear, double plyo pushups, and square squats. You get to do it one more time. Believe me, this was a killer! 

Your core component consists of an extra surprise too: three core moves! You get to do 30 seconds of scissor kicks, 30 seconds of reaching sit ups, and 30 seconds of straight leg bicycle twists, and you do each one three times total. Enjoy your cool down - you totally deserved it.

Next week is week eight and your final week of LIIFT4! 

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