Monday, December 16, 2019

It's a Jillian thing. You wouldn't understand.

I once created a design that I meant to put on a shirt that says, “It’s a Jillian thing, you wouldn’t understand.” It's a play on the, "It's a fitness thing, you wouldn't understand," shirt, but since I do mostly Jillian Michaels' workouts, I traded the word Jillian for fitness. I never got around to making it, partly because if I were to make a fitness related shirt, there are a ton of other designs or words I’d like to put on it. Plus, nothing annoys me more than when someone says, “It's a math thing, you wouldn't understand” or “ it's a kitchen thing, you wouldn't understand.” Who's to say that I don't understand that?

In the last few weeks, that design has come to my mind a lot. I frequent a website Guru Gossiper, or GG. For those who don't know what GG is, it’s a forum where members discuss YouTube Gurus and their content. They have a Rave About A Guru subforum and they also have a Trash a Guru subforum. Maybe I’m a closeted mean girl, because I lurk in the Trash a Guru section. I read all the dirt on a guru that I used to be particularly fond of, but then started to not like for various reasons. I’m not going to say what guru, but I will say that there is a reason why I’m posting about it here.

I don’t keep up with this guru, but I do read their GG to keep up with what she's doing, and she’s apparently been really involved in going to the gym. This didn’t surprise me. I can remember years ago she posted a video about fitness with Natalie Jill, who also appeared in Ripped In 30 by Jillian Michaels. (I never actually realized because this video was made in 2012 and I only watched maybe a couple of times soon after it was uploaded, and I started doing Jillian videos in 2015.) “She is also obsessed with her body now, who the hell go to the gym with a broken foot?” Immediately I thought of myself. I've worked out with an injury. I thought a lot of people who've worked out with minor injuries. Look at Christmas Abbott - she broke her foot in the Big Brother house, had to have surgery, and still did workouts as soon as she was able. Search YouTube and you'll find all kinds of seated workouts for people who are injured or disabled. Who the hell goes to the gym or does workouts with a broken foot? Um...a lot of people? I casually mentioned that I have worked out with injuries, and explained that how if you are seeing results, an injury or an illness can be absolutely devastating to a fitness routine. “I guess it’s an American thing,” came the reply. It's not just me, it's almost everyone I know who is committed to a healthy lifestyle - and I’m in some great fitness groups that have women from all over the world. I can't even begin to count how many times I see people saying they’re sick and realizing they’re too sick to work out or asking if they should work out. Lots of members feel devastated over injuries - it’s a real thing. And it’s not an American thing. It’s a dedication thing.

I went back and forth with a couple members on this subject. One said rehabbing a broken foot is one thing, but working out with an injury is creating issues with your body. Again, I respectfully disagree for the most part. If you’re able to do it - do it! I brought up all low impact, seated workouts you can find on youtube, under the weather workouts, and so on. It’s there! So I’m clearly not the only one who thinks this! Then it was brought up about working out with the flu and how that can be life threatening and in general not kind to other gym members. I agree to that, too, but sources say that above the neck symptoms usually mean you’re okay to go to the gym. Trust your own judgment.

In the end, maybe I felt defensive because myself and so many others want to keep working out despite life, illness, and injury trying so damn hard to knock you down. This wasn’t a redeeming factor for this guru (I can’t support a person who lies, scams, and neglects their kids all while painting this facade of sunshine and rainbows for your YouTube content) but I certainly do get where she’s coming from IF she’s experiencing the same thing I am. Don’t take a giant shit on what brings others joy, unless, you know, what brings them joy is being detrimental to someone else’s joy. I have a feeling that they feel like I am defending the Guru, but that’s not it. I am defending myself and others like me. I felt a need to defend others who workout while injured, or others who are dedicated to themselves. They weren’t dissing the Guru, they were dissing the guru's actions as well as anyone who goes to the gym with an injury. As long as you have the okay, then that's okay. Just my feelings, of course.

With that said, my shirt design comes to mind again: “It’s a fitness thing. You wouldn’t understand.”

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